
Justification: The Heart of the Christian Faith is unavailable, but you can change that!

This significant work, precipitated by the Lutheran-Roman Catholic Joint Declaration on the doctrine of justification, represents Eberhard Jüngel’s most sustained theological writing for some time. Jüngel examines the role of justification in Christian Faith—and emphasizes its central importance. He traces the history of the concept of “justice” in Greek thought, and of the Old Testament...

not have to fault ourselves for our inappropriate behaviour. Rather, we acquit ourselves by de-faulting our behaviour as being necessary. Quite often people will even justify their own existence: that they are here now where they—at least for the moment—seem to be out of place. However, the justification of my own existence can be based, beyond such special situations, much more simply on the plain fact that I am rather than am not. Then I am no longer justifying something or my particular existence
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